Adam Rutter
I enjoy writing very short stories and poetry with various genres ranging from sci-fi, to nature and history. My favourite hobby is photography. As well as taking pictures, I have pleasure of putting words into pictures in my writing. I have performed poetry in the past, particularly at The Wenlock Poetry Festival. One of the poems I read at the festival was Alveley Colliery Sidings.
Nature is my other inspiration for writing.
Alveley Colliery Sidings
The coal screens make a drumming sound as the coal breaks down. Tubs attached to a cable, bring coal continuously across the River Severn from Alveley Colliery.
The graded coal falls onto conveyors where it is taken to the wash plant where dust residue is removed. A steam locomotive shunts the railway trucks into the sidings, ready to pick up the coal. A freight train runs along the single track, and clouds of thick black smoke puff out of the engine. The smoke drifts past and the smell of dry soot fills the nostrils of the colliers.The empty wagons clatter along the rails and the buffers screech as they rub against each other. The train disappears beyond the embankment and the screeching subsides. The steam locomotive pulls the railway trucks out of the sidings.