Alison Nichol-Smith
I’m a professional copywriter, and an amateur comedy and verse writer.
I’ve won a few poetry slams, and been a guest performer at open mics and poetry events across the West Midlands. I’m also an occasional gag-writer for Radio 4 comedy.
I’m into wit, satire, brevity, form and subtlety. Writers I wish I were include Jane Austen, Will Self, and almost every other member of Bridgnorth Writers Group.
Click to hear a poem/song that was written in response to October 2020's BWG theme 'Square'.
When Jung
Was young
And employed
By Freud
His written italics
Grew strikingly phallic.
Being psychologists
And amateur graphologists,
Both viewed this aberration
As signifying a subconscious fear of paternal castration.
But then
Jung may just have been using the wrong pen.
Charlie's Dad was a winner in the Bedtime Story Competition at The Wolverhampton Literature Festival in February 2021.
Click here for a subtitled recording of the story.