Ruthie Starling
Ruthie Starling’s death came at the worst possible time, just as she seemed to be recovering from horrendous illness, and was planning a return to a more active writing life, including the publication of a poetry collection.
The day after her memorial service on May 11, 2022, her friend Carol Caffrey posted this on Facebook:
'Yesterday began in miserable, misty rain and the road to Westhope Green Burial Ground seemed to elude the satnav and myself. But, as was fitting, the sun came out in time as we said goodbye to Ruthie Starling in that serene and beautiful setting. Her generous family shared memories of her well-lived life and to the bleating of lambs and snuffling of horses, accompanied by poetry and rosemary for remembrance, she was gently lowered to her rest. May you 'come into the peace of wild things', Ruthie.'
By the graveside, Ruthie’s daughter Miranda read a poem of her mother’s.
Things my father taught me
Things my father taught me
He showed me the Milky Way on a double-page spread
indigo spaces infinitely sparkled with stars
each a cell in the body of our Universe
He told me that one day
our life/death divide would measure
only half the depth
of the edge of a butterfly’s wing.
He showed me the night sky
breathing the velvet sound of air
of all Life sharing that breath
through never-beginning eternity
He showed me myself from a distance
seen to be infinite space
generating starseeds.
He showed me the Universe,
that all our heartbeats are sunsblood
pulled through our very bones
to resonate with all living things.
He told me to float on,
free as stardust
through all the days of all my lives
unharming and unharmed
that if the darkness of this world ever buries us,
we each will become a starseed.