Terry Cree
Terry Cree writes poetry and experimental fiction. His work has been published in various magazines, webzines and anthologies. His collection, Fruit, is published by Two Rivers Press.
The Consolation of Walls by Terry Cree
I hope he found some consolation in walls. I almost think he did. (Dickens, Bleak House)
There is a wall inside me against which
I have been kicking a small rubber ball
for years.
Sometimes it rolls back flat along the ground.
Sometimes it bounces back like feelings plotted
on a graph,
That old oscillation of up and down.
I can’t decide if it’s the motive force
of ball
bouncing against wall I feel in feeling
or whether it’s the stoical resistance
of that
stonewall part of me that never submits.
And which is better, moving ball or wall?
For now,
like Mr Jellyby, I’ll settle for
the cool consolation of a wall against
my brow.
The ball can rest inside me like a stone,
as hard and rubbery as death, unkicked,